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Questionnaire - nongolfers

Does golf interest you? Yes No

Would you like to play golf? Yes No

How often would you like to play? Weekly Monthly

How many people would that be with?

Would the weather determine if you go to a course? Yes No

Short explanation about the full swing golf simulator.

Our golf simulators are just like a great big games console, with a few differences. No joy pad for a start. It uses two rows of intra red fields that scan the ball as it passes through them. This tells the computer everything it needs to know for your shot. It will measure the speed and distance of each play, whether you're putting or teeing off. Our simulator can record and store all the information from your game, so the more you play the more you can see how much you improve.

Would a golf simulator then interest you? Yes No

How much would you pay per hour for up to 4 people?

How often would you use a golf simulator? Weekly Monthly

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